KScan3D questions & answers

Creates, modifies and views 3D models with Kinect
Question by Bret566
August 1, 2024

Where can I find a user Manual for KScan3D, that is either downloadable or on the internet?

Question by Guest
May 4, 2018

I downloaded the software but to run it asks for an activation code.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

I tried to obtain support from the official developers and this is the message I got:

We're sorry, KScan3D software is no longer available or supported
by LMI Technologies.

As you can see the software has been discontinued which means they won't provide any support for. You can try to contact the developers, but it's not guaranteed that they will give you another key.

Question by Hans van der Zee
July 16, 2015

I work in an educational technolab in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. We use 3D printing and scanning for educational use. At the moment we work with skanect for scanning objects, but this is not satisfying at the moment. We also would like to work with the new kinect v2 scanner to achieve better results.

First question: Does KScan3D work with the new version of the kinect?

Second question: I would like to print 1 fullbody scan with the trial version. Is it possible to activate a licence for 1 day, so I can try the software and print the result? I'm not allowed to buy the software before trying it out. I hope you can help me with that.

Answer by Alex Urbach

According to the official website, KScan3D supports Kinect for Windows V1 and V2, but Kinect for Xbox 360. The Kinect for Xbox One is not supported. On a side note, it appears that the software is freeware. There is no buying page or information related to payment. I have also checked the FAQ page, and it doesn't provide anything related to purchasing the software.

Yes, you can download and perform a full body scan with the KINECT: http://www.kscan3d.com/

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